Certified Mental Health & Wellbeing Practitioner;
Personal, Life & Executive Coach, EIA-Practitioner (EMCC).
Am I Perimenopausal?
How do I know I am perimenopausal?
There are several different symptoms to note as possible indicators of perimenopause.
Hot Flushes Muscle stiffness
Night Sweats Hair changes, brittle nails
Brain fog Dry skin
Memory problems Itching skin
Mood changes – anxiety, depression Acne
Low motivation & poor concentration Wrinkles
Migraines/headaches Altered sense of smell
Breast pain Dry eyes
Digestive problems Facial hair growth
Weight gain Burning mouth
Loss of libido Dry mouth
Vaginal dryness Frequent urination
Change in periods…frequency, intensity Urinary pain
Joint pain Stress & urge incontinence
Osteoporosis Nocturia
As you see this is a varied list, and as I mentioned above, we all have different experiences, but the list in the table reflects the most experienced perimenopausal symptoms and these occur usually over a period of years before menopause itself is reached. What perhaps does not come across in the above list is how insidious these symptoms can be, meaning that they are sometimes missed as actually being a result of changing hormone levels. Women can find themselves referred for tests for palpitations, prescribed anti-depressants, prescribed repeat antibiotics, advised to have counselling etc. without anyone asking could this be the perimenopause?
Many women I have worked with talk about a loss of self-confidence, a feeling of invisibility, a questioning of their own self-worth, a lability of mood that is not usual for them, being exhausted, quick to anger and in tears at the next moment, experiences I can fully relate to as being part of my own journey but never once thinking these could be related to perimenopause. If we are educated to realise the symptoms of perimenopause then perhaps, we will access the correct support more efficiently, put in place the necessary lifestyle changes, and as a result prevent a prolonged, tiring and unhealthy journey into menopause.
This is a time to be proactive, educate yourself and get the support you need.
If you are interested in learning more about the Menopause Maze education programme and coaching for Perimenopause and Menopause, please get in touch.
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